Pascal Humbert Serie N°1, a film by Anne Rohart
Serie N°1, opens with a new impulse triggered by Pascal Humbert at Nouvelle Affaire in Paris. Its punchy, spontaneous, and colorful new concept evolves as a timeless, ageless and mixed collection. It radiates with joy, power and celebration with inspirations compiled into a sparkling no age no gender collection with a peculiar stretch from cowboy to flamenco. Film by Anne Rohart, with Models: Axelle Doué Kristina de Coninck Luca Heintz Hazel Townsend Marie Caldera François Joos Producer: Manu Barrault Production director: Estelle Gaillardet Director of Photography: Erwan Fichou Film editor: Ange-Marie Revel Music: Manu Barrault Artistic director: Pascal Humbert